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OATS Annual Impact Review 2024 published

At OATS, we are always keen to update our valued supporters, funders, partners, and volunteers on the charity’s current vision and the projects and activities it has been working on over the last year.

The OATS Impact Review 2024 highlights how, as a small charity, we have managed the challenges and opportunities of the last 12 months and the big impact our projects and other activities have had on Scotland’s sustainable outdoor access and active tourism.

There are a couple of ways of accessing the Impact Review 24:

We hope this annual review gives you a deeper insight into the charity and its annual operations and explains why support, funding, and project collaborations are so essential to the longevity of OATS’ sustainable access projects.

The OATS Impact Review 24 includes:

  • An update report on It’s Up to Us, our partnership campaign with Mountaineering Scotland, reviewing both the fundraising campaign and the path-building works on An Teallach.
  • An evaluation of the projects that OATS has tackled on Skye in the last five years.
  • A review of the annual path maintenance volunteering programme from Ewan Watson, OATS Access Projects Officer, and Eva Kupska, OATS Access Volunteer Coordinator
  • An update on the Fairy Pools car park facility on Skye from Ali Campbell, Fairy Pools Facilities Manager for OATS.
  • Comment pieces from the CEO Dougie Baird and OATS Chair Duncan Bryden.

Please share this document with colleagues, friends, or family, particularly those who work and spend time in the mountains and are interested in conserving Scotland’s mountain path network.

Many thanks.

On behalf of
Dougie Baird
Chief Executive
Outdoor Access Trust for Scotland